"Today we are going to "consider" the study article in the October 1st Watchtower and by "consider", we mean that each and every one of us, is going to conclude, that the information presented is absolutely true."
Pete Zahut
JoinedPosts by Pete Zahut
stupid questions
by road to nowhere inparagraph 4 today: "what are we gonna consider?
" maybe that is the article title?
the other is: "what will we consider next week?
Pete Zahut
"entitled" talks
by road to nowhere inone thing that bugs the heck out of me is the exclusive use of entitled when offering the name of any talk or article.
can;t it ever be "on the subject of", named, titled, called, about or anything else.. i guess technically it is a correct usage, but entitled always (to me) means gives the idea of being in a special privelege, having a right to something or such..
Pete Zahut
Entitled means, to give a person or thing a title or to bestow a privilege or right of some kind.
The usage is correct but it does make it all seem more grand than it really is. No matter how mundane they might be, they refer to their meetings as "spiritual banquets" and "spiritual feasts" so it follows that they'd use the word "Entitled" to inflate the value of the talk to be given.
Bad experiences in waking someone up?
by Fred Flintstone ini mean, is it advisable to try to wake a friend up?
what about the risk of he/she falling into depression?
Pete Zahut
Whether you're talking about waking up from literal sleep, or waking up from personal ignorance, both are best done gradually. Some people wake up swinging their fists if they are awakened too suddenly.
JW Baptism Anullment
by Farmer Jim1 inhas anyone ever successfully annulled their jw baptism?
especially if they were very young when baptised?.
Pete Zahut
No need to annul anything because a baptism is only as legit as you imagine it to be. -
Convention “Highlights” - bwhahaha!
by Muddy Waters intaking a walk down memory lane at those looooonnnnngg, tedious conventions... .
(boy, they weren’t kidding when they spoke about being long-suffering and having endurance!).
but what were some of your convention highlights, or lowlights, from back in the day?.
Pete Zahut
Speaking of Highlights..
Remember how there was always someone sitting nearby and you couldn't help but notice that almost their entire Bible was highlighted in yellow?
I always wondered if this was done to impress nosey people like me or were the comparatively few scriptures that were left un-highlighted, the ones that they considered noteworthy?
Fasten Your Seatbelts - The Crazy Has Started (Also, bring the Koolaid)
by berrygerry infrom facebook:just saw my jw mother after not seeing her for more than 2 years.
when i do see her, it is brief, she never asks about my life, doesn't ask about my 4 children her grandchildren, doesn't ask about my grandchildren...her great grandchildren, she doesn't ask about my other 2 brothers that she is also alienated from, she doesn't ask about my brothers family.
she doesn't talk about the jw/org either.
Pete Zahut
Wait...the guy does have a point. Why would Satan be wasting his time on the Jehovah's Witness organization if they didn't have the truth?
What proof is there that Satan exists and who says he's paying any attention to the JW's. If there was a Satan, don't you think he'd have destroyed the entire world by now? It's been 6000 years (supposedly) since the Garden of Eden.
Even worldly unbelievers don't reflect as much hatred towards JWs as apostates, so again, this guy has you there
"Worldly" people, even thought they are (supposedly) being controlled by Satan, barely know JW's exist. JW's are treated fairly in "worldly" courtrooms and their rights are upheld by worldly authorities. The only reason former JW's are angry is because they've lost their families because of the religion. Worldly people couldn't care less wha JW's do.
You guys are all apostates, whilst I'm an unbeliever. And you're a lot worse than I am.
According to JW's God loves Apostates. Their organization was founded by an Apostate when he left to establish his own organization. JW's knock on doors and try to convince others to become apostates of their current religion and join the JW's .
So why do I have to suffer the same fate? Doesn't seem quite right.
Because that's what JW's have told you. A thief, an axe murderer or someone who leaves their organization, or someone who simply doesn't take their offer to study with them, all suffer the same fate. Destruction at the hand of God. Who ever said god was fair?
If you guys end up being wrong, what are YOU going to think when Armageddon hits at 3:38 p.m. GMT on January 7, 2018? Your last thought would be, "Oh, my God, I was sooooo wron...." and then you're gone. Nothing more.
Death is death, whether it happens at a so called Armageddon or from old age, from some disease or from some fatal accident. Once it's over there's nothing more. That has been the case for everyone who has ever lived on this planet. What will you do on Jan 7 when nothing happens (again). Will you finally realize that your only interest in God was because you wanted to save your own skin?
Maybe I'll get a second chance due to my disarmingly good looks and pure spirit.
If that's how it is, then I'm in for sure !
See ya in Paradise !
Not to toot my own horn...
by Jayk inmy older jw brother tried telling me "you don't take orders very well" which stopped him from inviting me to do a job a make some side cash..we got into a disagreement because recently i started having back problems only while i sleep on my sides.
i think it's because i have a wide back from working out.
once again i explain that and he said "well the job required heavy lifting which is also why i didn't call you" my response being "it's only when i sleep i can still work just don't won't to strain it so i can.
Pete Zahut
Normally I would never say this but is there any way you could get to the point?
Rock band titles from JW history / culture
by sir82 inon another thread, undercover suggested "adam and the dinosaurs".. i came up with these:.
green bible dinosaurs.
jezebel and the fornicators.
Pete Zahut
No Ice Cream for Sophia
Rage Against the Society
Smashing Bumpkins
Soundgarden of Eden
Two Witness Rulers
Billy Idolatry
Mute Cart Standby
Prince (of peace)
The (faith) Police
The Sex is Wrong Pistols
Getting the best out of your Sonic Youth
Pearls Before Swine Jam
Beastiality Boys
They Might Be Nephilim
Don't Observe the Black Sabbath
Boys Into Men
Worldly Ways
Universal Soverigns
Sir Mix U Up
Lady Gog of May Gog
Sonny and Cher in Her Destruction
David Lee Wrath
The Who Did It ?
Johnny Give Us Your Cash
The Talking Head Cases
Millions Now Living are the Grateful Dead
Iron Shulamite Maiden
Stepphenwolves in Sheep's Clothing
Jusas Priestly Class
Twisted Fleshly Sister
Caleb and the Sparlocks
Rock band titles from JW history / culture
by sir82 inon another thread, undercover suggested "adam and the dinosaurs".. i came up with these:.
green bible dinosaurs.
jezebel and the fornicators.
Pete Zahut
Tony M. and the Molesters
Steven Lett and the Shunners
Rutherford's Mansion
Death Sarim
Charles Tazed and Confused
Dionne and the Warwick Weirdos
Preaching Pretenders
The Gee Bee's (stayin' alive till 75)
Bozo Dolls
The Millstones
Destiny's Child Abuse
Paradise Profiteers
Moron 5+2
Lett Zeplin
GB Clown Posse
Cart Crusaiders
Blue Logo Cult
Bon Jehovie
Nu Lies
Panic at the Convention
People Asking Me To Help Them Leave
by pale.emperor ini dont know if it's due to the last convention, the recent broadcasts, the internet or just plain fatigue - but since the convention i've had a few people contact me via facebook messenger asking how i am then cutting to the chase asking me what it's like "on the outside" or "how did you adjust after leaving?
" and asking me how they can leave the wt but keep their families.. my reply is always the same, i show real genuine interest and concern and listen to their situation.
then i suggest a fade, how to fade, to ignore or reject elders visits, to not talk about their doubts to active jws under any circumstances and finally point them to this site.
Pete Zahut
"But... if i leave, i lose everything." which is true. His wife is a full-time pioneer, his kids are best friends with elders kids, his family is in "the clique", he's being groomed to be an elder by his elder buddies, he's self employed and the majority of his customers are JW.
This reminds me of when someone is stuck in a job he hates simply because it has good employee benefits. They call those benefits, "Golden Handcuffs" because even though they are beneficial, they keep a person Imprisoned in a situation that they'd rather not be in. The same thing happens in bad marriages.